Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bodies become the landscape

            Everything flows,
          everything changes…
A river’s flowing from a distance
tortuous line on the map
loosely belting  the earth.

A river’s laving stones/bones,
collecting DNA codes
a crystallizing salt.

A river’s flowing along the trenches,
amplifying undone criticized
thoughts, deeds, debts…
under the bridges of spines
sipping the moaning water
since the cradle of humankind-
bodies become the landscape…

A river’s flowing through me,
and I know for sure:
found in future the artifact pile,
will prove to  offspring –
we were…we walked at the earth,
we were alive.

Image credit:

Inspired by: PU Verse First: The Body Becomes The Landscape

Three Word Wednesday: amplify, criticize, moan

Poetry Jam: What Do You Know For Sure

Imaginary Garden with reaL toads: Get listed with Ed Pilolla


  1. What better epitaph than to write "they walked the earth", hopefully implying they did no harm.

  2. since the cradle...bodies becoming the landscape....nice...really cool flow as well through the laving/bones and dna codes....

  3. Ah yes, one thing is for certain....everything changes. And the river does indeed keep on flowing.

  4. I love the lengths you went to explore the concept of a river's flow.

  5. your 'landscape of humankind', is near Eden-like, enjoyed

    much love...

  6. "since the cradle of humankind-
    bodies become the landscape…"

    Well, lets hope we keep it as clean and beautiful as possible (which will take some work on our part)

  7. I love this whole concept - that our bodies become the landscape, to say "we lived, we walked the earth". Cool.

  8. Down be the river it collects, hopefully my dna it neglects

  9. Wonderfully creative. I enjoyed reading this very much. The rivers flow indeed.

  10. I adore the momentum leading to the powerful last two lines.

  11. I love the way the river wends its way through life.
    We like the river were indeed alive

  12. A river’s flowing through me, - I can touch this spring of hope and the flow of feelings. Very nice. .

  13. i really like how the river is at a distance and later revealed to be within you. a well spring... very cool write...

  14. "a river's flowing through me
    and will prove to offspring we were alive"!
    I love river analogies, and river love.

  15. Beautiful imagery - I particularly like the bridges of spines..

  16. I like the analogy. I do wonder what those rivers will really tell our offspring. I guess it is really up to us, isn't it?

  17. Loved the way you have knitted this piece!
