Sunday, May 31, 2015

Latest Spring Drops

~ 1 ~

May flowers
Hudson River pilgrimage
Draw more eyes

~ 2 ~

Turkey photoshoot
Memorial Thanksgiving
Wish…I could fly…

~ 3 ~

May rain wash up everything
Choose your intention

~ 4 ~

Rainy Cat & Dog
Caught up at the drop of hat
Forge ahead to hide

~ 5 ~

Mars squares up Neptune
Shut up. Wait until next week

~ 6 ~

Scorpio moon
Blur real from fiction
How he feels about me…

~ 7 ~

Upbeat day
Follow wind springing season
Adjusting sails.

Shared with PU Poetry Pantry

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Passing time

'The passing of the time' by Priscilla Santana ~

His grown thin transparent skin
exposed to keen observer,          
the witness of life still running
through veins, arthritic bones.

Embraced by vascular dystonia,
shriveled, while at core –
Rodin’s thinker and trickster,
requires returning the throne... 

Read more at: B&P's Shadorma & Beyond

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thirst is real

Lake District, UK

                 Perhaps, sometimes, in thirst to fit
we may pretend as little puddles;
they, when not looking, crawling
to the new place – pedestrians
to timeless grass and weeds,
observed by motley walls,
prosperous lands & mountains…

I see your silhouette in black-white
letters/words/spaces of blogged pace;
ah, how many laced holes!
you wear those layers of ‘all right’
between asserted accelerated voyages…

heart chambers filled with sighs of
hidden echoing emotions, wounds,
restrained thoughts, and feelings
moved inward to find the center of
gravity, establish rank and order...

who'll dare to break through once 
despite the locked windows and doors,
remind to the strayed world, steeped in
the bloody monetary monster,
a true story of the wondrous souls…

Perhaps, sometimes, when thirst is real
we bow to the liberating rain…

Google image

Note: Inspired by work of  Kumiharu Shimizu, I've continued the theme 'thirst' from last haiku post...
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

May be May

~ 1~

To complete
One leap
Over the sea


O, how iridescent
I rise in the morning
Face iris glory


Dandelion’s dream
Among enlightened hearts
A prodigy child


May happens too fast
Green grass stems graduation
Feast pass over fall


Left out in the woods
All five senses departed
Besides haiku mode


They are full of wisdom
Burning to the end of days
Misread the blooming


Discovery time
Bifurcated Yin & Yang
Lead in Scarborough


Shadows are dreaming
What if we tame the clouds
Embraced by sky light


Jagged life path
Thirst brought you here
My intimate friend

Note: Most of  haiku here inspired by art of  Kumiharu Shimizu

Haiku #9 - 3WW prompt: intimate, jagged, thirst

Shared with PU Poetry Pantry

Sunday, May 17, 2015

To some extent

artwork by Ulrike Bolenz ~ Magpie Tales

Not even a glue
would help to trace/save
the path left by
my righteous logical mind
N years ago…

The dot/dashed line
when given closer look
got blurred and pulled
into 5D world of
angles & trajectories…

Brain tried and gave up
to follow…

The vibrant wave has reached
the heart and veiled, subdued
all feelings to one, clairsentience…       

New life pushed upward
through obscurity to
non judgmental
flexible growth
adaptable, free of

The period of new promotion
has  approached…

Read more at: Magpie Tales

Thursday, May 14, 2015


ink5000 ~

He holds sun in one hand,
moon – in another,-
lighted up candles,
to find rushed off
prodigal vagabond
settled in the tavern
grieving yet smiling
with tears…

Suddenly he roars
in the ceiling,
(making the gravel
outside to sound
a treasure like),
followed by longing

and we learn: there are
no two lives alike,
‘there is no prophet
in our homeland…’

Sunday's Whirligig 7

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Artist: Georgia O'Keeffe ~ PU Mid-Week Motif

blue prints…

Your waves
brought me
a foam,
in particular,
but awesome
in colors…

Is it possible
in multifaceted,
to discover
the one?...

Roly-poly, blubbery
clean to the core,
not too blurred
character traits,
worthy to aim for…

"Innercore" by Linda Duffy

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Provider's ride

photo by -Vampire Zombie- Photo Challenge #60

Forced out of water
found dry undivided
rocks of desires…

Clinging here, still wet,
locked, awaiting high level
ascending slowly…

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Edmund Dulac. Abysm of Time, n.d. WikiArt.

Shells, oysters,
stones, pink jelly fish,
steamy air,
gnawing wind,
abyss divides us, in trance
we’re folding our wings.

Power pose
defines body’s tongue:
‘who you are’
climax shapes; make yourself big:
spread out or fake!

Note: Shadorma 3/5/3/3/7/5

Read more at: B&P's Shadorma & Beyond, Mindlovemisery's Menagerie

Sharing with PU Poetry Pantry

Friday, May 8, 2015


photo wallpaper

My thoughts, turning southward,
donkey to play a new music,
but  a twenty-year consolation
to old soil soul
in short feeble breath,
leaning to purple lavender candle
to clean the mystical hollow passageway,
open to pestilence or blessings…

Sunday's Whirligig 6

Read more at: Sunday's Whirligig 6

Share with PU Poetry Pantry

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Moon's vagaries


The Moon tested…

The membrane between self - unknown was removed,
 withdrawn jelly/clay fragments floating in the sea
of change have gathered in a small sparkled islands,
morphed into vaporous gremlins, navigating off
any negotiations…

The whirlpools of ebbs & flow socked in the viral fervor
of unclaimed love…

Note: Inspired by Pablo Neruda's poems and tarot card "Moon"

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


– Menoevil - devianart ~ Photochallenge #59

Abruptly, as if slung by someone’s invisible hand, far afield,
a flock of black crows sliced the silence, highlighting
free space, having driven the shadows to the sides…

Weightless, she was ready to break away into height,
caw in same tongue, excitedly pecking to west…

Since that moment, an impalpable bitterness - the black 
crow has settled on her shoulder, recalling the olden 
emotions and yearning...

and she herself existed between the shadows:
dark - where declogging took place, bright - open to
diaphanous purified souls for further embodiment…

Monday, May 4, 2015

Alter ego

B&P's Shadorma and Beyond

Do not store the inspiration
in a reflective tear…
Spilled to the ground,
pinned by artisan’s
genius tire,
it honey
the simple element,
row bell in opening
a new level of
alter ego.


Do not store
in reflective tear
‘aha’ sigh
spilled, pinned by
artisan’s genius tire –
find alter ego.

Sunday's Whirligig 5

Read more at: Sunday's Whirligig #5