Friday, October 9, 2015

One of a kind

If you asked for a chocolate, but got only the lemons – grimaced, teeth set on edge - keep on walking on the curb, bypassing the debris of the construction area – open unpaved road/skin, wind world wide…

‘corn candy hot tube’,- he’s saying distinctly and point in a new school’s direction, red with orange blues leaves installation,
‘so they’ll melt then…why?’ – she shrugs, hands endless in air.

The sun highlighting preschooler’s smile, and nearby cloud become a face of someone familiar from afar…

Enchanted road!  See! – the staring deer, not asking for tickets yet; a turkey, crossing the road in a rush; a dog on the grass – the face sealed with white royal stamp, - hosting the morning,  his invisible human stopped him from ranting…

The trees whispering fall foliage forecast, - still time to change…
The mystery lives just next to my neighborhood –

Nature and human
Vulnerable, wise
One of a kind.

Shared with PU, Poetry Pantry


  1. Animals and nature sure are one of a kind, the turkey and deer better cross the road fast though lol

  2. What takes place on such walks… Enjoyed.

  3. beautifully descriptive..."....still time to change" this...

  4. I love the thought of living in proximity of nature.. I think we always do, why should we believe that the soil is far even from concrete?

  5. The first bite of lemon, need not be the only taste of the day's bounty, luv the inspiration to keep on walking

    Much love ...

  6. I absolutely love this!


  7. That one-of-a-kind wisdom is not to be trifled with!


  8. There is a sense of mystery right outdoors....nature is filled with so much to contemplate and enjoy.

  9. I especially like the description of the creatures on the enchanted road.

  10. A lovely impressionist piece, full of life, colour, movement....

  11. Surreal. If I got lemons when I asked for chocolate, all the rest might occur ... definitely enchanted.

  12. This to me was the morning seen through the eyes of a child, both good and bad, while he/she takes it all in reacts differently as his minds sucks it all in.

  13. and welcome to the neighborhood where nature is full of mystery. I saw a couple of turkeys today next to the highway. I am glad they did not try to cross...

  14. Last week, drove past a field where a flock (?) of wild turkeys were grazing, picking at the last of harvested grain. It is so good to be close to nature and to pay such attention to it. Hayes Spencer is Kanzensakura

  15. How close mystery is if we dare look - i love the wisdom tucked in your surreal and unique images humbird :)

  16. Such a vivid description.

  17. i like the contrasting images here. those of nature, the turkey, deer and that of urbanisation.
    neat haibun!

  18. We are always a part of nature even when we try to set ourselves apart
