Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Morning Glory

Briskly reeling along trees & bushes the misty streams prevail the common sense. Blowing the yearning through the vessels/hose the air mass drives doubts seeds in their grounding intention to the earth.
While repentant martyrs stones desperately ask fiery dawn of forgiveness, a chance to start over, - the bathed spray/healed troubles slide sonorously back into the heart’s crevices,

infusing music
ancient sitar witnesses joy
first drop on leaf palm

by MMT

Read more at: Mid-Week Motif: Martyrdom 


  1. I especially love the haiku part of this poem!

  2. Morning Glory - That is an interesting piece of art and your words always leave me pondering as you have a unique style that works well. I too enjoyed the haiku.

  3. the repentant martyrs' part is interesting to me. definitely enjoyed this read. thanks.

  4. A second chance can be a new dawn for some

  5. I love your closing haiku...can almost hear the sitar. :)

  6. I this leaves me thinking about martyrs, forgiveness and the second chance of a new dawn. The haiku is beautiful.

  7. I struggled with this one, Humbird. The idea that a martyr might want another chance at life resonates, and I love how the intention returns to earth with the elements, and I think, also with all the people that carry the martyr's words--all those witnesses-- Especially those martyred by others, not by their own hands, though those, too could yearn for more life. Your poem made me feel the words of those like MLK, Jr, as part of them returning. "Don't shoot" the same way. And Jesus. Oh, this poem set me reeling. I could hear the sitar, but, alas, only the most famous of these dead let me feel anything like joy.

  8. a beautiful the musical end haiku...

  9. Glorious and that parting image filled my heart and me smile - thank you xo

  10. Very uplifting images the words do form. Enjoyed.

  11. A nice haiku, but i was a bit confused by the prose of this haibun ...

    1. Thank you for the prompt, Kristjaan. My response was a compilation of three prompts, including one with words, martyrdom theme, and sitara/morning glory haibun. I understand how it can read...maybe even somehow controversial...but I love the holistic approach to anything... Thanks again!

  12. That first drop will probably not be the last...

  13. What a delightful poem replete with beautiful images. I really enjoyed reading this one!
